- Saint’s Bond begins February 13 at 10am PT.
- Take on 7 contract quests to earn new weapon skin rewards!
- Earn 2x contract quest credit when you hunt with a friend.
- Discover classic Saint’s Bond items in the store.
The season of love has returned to Ramsgate – but this year’s celebration is about more than just romance. Instead, we’re bringing the focus to a different type of love: the love between friends.
To be clear, we don’t mean love love. This isn’t a “friends-to-lovers”/”Slayer next door” thing. No. This year’s Saint’s Bond celebration is about the kind of love that unites us as friends. The love you hold for those people in your life who probably know you a little too well, but are kind enough not to use it against you. The ones you call when you need to move a refrigerator with a body in it. Or binge some garbage TV. Or – in this specific case – when you need to slay 210 Behemoths.
But we’ll get to that later.
First: a gift.
This Saint’s Bond, we’re showing our love for you with a special treat: a free Hearts United flare.

Once Saint’s Bond is live, check your in-game mailbox for a special message containing your free flare. And don’t forget to equip it before you go hunting!
We also have seven new contract quests available during this event – each with its own Saint’s Bond weapon skin reward.

But don’t expect this to be a walk in the park. For each contract quest, you’ll need to slay 60 Behemoths using the same type of weapon that the contract rewards. That means slaying 420 Behemoths in total.
And you’ll need to do it before Saint’s Bond ends.
“Impossible!” you might be thinking. “I’m only one very powerful and attractive Slayer.” And perhaps you’re right. Maybe it is too much for one person. Which is why we’re offering double contract quest progress when you hunt with a friend.
That’s right. Lean into your friendship, group up with a buddy, and cut those contract requirements in half. Each Behemoth you slay while partied with a friend counts as two.
Don’t have a Dauntless friend you can hunt with? Well, Slayer, this is a season for making connections. Stop by the official Dauntless Discord and join the #looking-for-group channel to find a new friend or two.
Once you’ve located a friend and decided on a contract, it’s time to get started. Here’s how to prepare for your first contract quest:
- Open the Store and navigate to Featured > Contracts.
- Select the contract you want to take on.
- Hit the Claim Offer button to make it official.
- Exit the store and return to the city.
- Locate your questgiver. They’re the NPC with a purple “!” above their head.
- Talk to the questgiver and accept the quest.
- Repeat steps 1 through 6 for any remaining Saint’s Bond contracts you want to pursue. (You can have all seven active at once.)
Once you’ve slain your 60 Behemoths (or 30 if you’re hunting with a friend), return to your questgiver to receive your reward. Can’t remember how many Behemoths you have left? You can check your progress at any time by pulling up the Quests screen.
Excited about contract quests, but not sure you want to do all seven? No problem. All seven Saint’s Bond weapon skins are also available for purchase. That means you can complete as many – or as few – Saint’s Bond contracts as you like. No pressure to commit.
Want to save a little platinum as well? The Saint’s Bond Weapon Skins Bundle gets you all seven skins for the price of six. Look for it on the Contracts tab of the in-game store.
Once you have your shiny new weapon in hand, you’ll probably want to pair it with some sleek new clothes. And what better to complement a Saint’s Bond weapon than the original Saint’s Bond armour set?

This is the first time since Beta that this set has been made public, so don’t miss your chance to try it on in the store. We’ll have some other Saint’s Bond classics on the Event tab as well.
A powerful friendship can last a lifetime, but Saint’s Bond is more of a two-week fling. Be sure to complete all of your contract quests and store purchases before the event ends on February 27 at 10am PT.