
Now that Dauntless is on the Epic Games store, we're excited to offer a special perk to Dauntless Creators and those that support them: access to Epic's Support-A-Creator program. This program empowers Slayers to support their favourite Epic Creators by spending platinum in the Dauntless store. You can learn more about the program at

How do I support a creator?

Declaring your support for a Creator is easy! Start by signing in to Dauntless. Once you're in the game...

  1. Enter the Main Menu.
  2. Open the Store.
  3. Select the Support a Creator button.
  4. Enter the Tag of the Creator you want to support.
  5. Hit Submit.

Support-A-Creator selections last for 14 days.

How do I support a creator?
Can I support more than one creator?
You can only support one Creator at a time. Support-A-Creator elections last for 14 days or until you choose a different Creator — whichever comes first. If you want to continue to support the same Creator after 14 days have elapsed, simply re-enter their name on the Support-A-Creator screen.
What do creators get?
Dauntless Creators receive 5% of all paid platinum spent by Slayers who elect to support them. This excludes platinum earned by questing, through Hunt Pass rewards, or via other non-purchase means. Creators also earn a percent of sales for purchases made through Creator Links (referral links).
How can I become an approved creator?
If you are 18 years of age or older and meet all of Epic's Creator requirements, you can apply for Approved Creator status at