OB 0.5.6 is a quality of life improvement patch that removes the note cost associated with extracting cells, increases the effectiveness of the Reputation XP boost, and introduces some bug fixes.
Extracting cells from gear will no longer cost Notes. Swap cells freely and experiment boldly!
The Reputation XP boost individual bonus has increased to 60% (from 25%) and the team bonus has increased to 10% (from 5%). These changes allow Slayers to unlock cores and earn cells more quickly.
Slayers can no longer use emotes to avoid being downed by fatal hits. Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space.
Cell offerings from the Middleman will now correctly display for controller users.
Spending Ace Chips to speed up an exchange will no longer cause the cell reveal orb to disappear.
Store and Back buttons in the cell exchange UI should now function as intended.
Fixed a bug that could cause dodges to get stuck in place or move in an incorrect direction. I duck and dodge, I sprint and flee.
Fixed a bug that could cause the healing flask to disappear from the quick item bar while in Ramsgate.
Fixed a bug that caused new Slayers to see the default flare in their quick item bar.
Fixed a bug where Slayers wielding The Hunger could accidentally cancel their dodges by attacking.
Behemoths may occasionally walk in irregular patterns. Fix this by slaying them. We’re serious. If they do this, slay them.