Release: 1.1.5 Release: 1.1.5
Release: 1.1.5

1.1.5 is a quality of life patch with fixes to a handful of encounters and some polish.


More newsletter subscription rewards. Subscribe to the Dauntless newsletter and you’ll get more than just a badass sword skin. New subscribers will receive a bundle of 10 premium bounty tokens, 30 ace chips, and 5 patrol chests in addition to the Bound Fury sword skin. If you’re already subscribed, check your email — the latest newsletter includes a code you can redeem to get the bonus supplies. We’ll occasionally include codes in future emails too, so make sure you sign up!


  • Avenging Overdrive parry fixed. Reactivating the sword’s Avenging Overdrive to parry an attack correctly applies damage to the Behemoth.

  • Frost attacks fixed. Icy grasp and other frost-based attacks from Behemoths now correctly hit players and apply damage.

  • Riftstalker clones no longer trip over. Riftstalker clones in the murder palace now complete their attacks, instead of faceplanting as they leave the portal.

  • Dismounting a Malkarion is safe again. Jumping off a Malkarion’s tail while it clips through a wall now deposits you safely outside the wall.

  • Winterhorn Skraevs’ tornado fixed. It now does damage again. Joy.

  • Stormclaws are no longer hiding. Stormclaws no longer temporarily disappear during Escalation hunts.

  • Twin Suns switching fixed. While in the airship, switching to a loadout with Twin Suns (exotic repeaters), then back to one with regular repeaters no longer breaks your equipped grip ability.

  • Riftstalker wound bug fixed. Applying the 6th (final) wound to a Riftstalker as it retreats into a portal no longer disables part damage and stagger damage.

Quality of Life

  • Premium bounty token amounts are now shown when they are granted or redeemed.
  • Transitioning into or out of a hunt with Kharabak’s Spur (sword) transmogged to the Sawbones Sally sword skin will no longer cause that transmog to disappear.
  • Players can no longer attempt to upgrade items if they don’t have the required materials.
  • Improved visuals for Twin Suns exotic repeaters and the Cross-Eyed Metavizor aetherpunk helm skin.
  • Heads now display properly when using the Mythic Barbuta helm skin.
  • Names on the group leaderboards now display correctly on Nintendo Switch.
  • Fixed two places in Ramsgate where it was possible to fall through the ground.
  • Console players can now sign up for the newsletter via the message of the day.
  • Disabling combat text in Options now works.
  • The Hunt Pass XP progress bar now updates immediately when a bounty is claimed.
  • The Claim Reward button on the Bounties screen no longer shows yellow controller “Y” button on PC when no controller is attached.
  • Patrol chest count is no longer partially obscured during matchmaking.
  • Escalation amps now always show rarity colors.
  • Console players that attempt to log in during maintenance are no longer shown non-functional buttons.
  • Fixed a rare server crash that could result in all players disconnecting mid-hunt.


  • Improved framerate in the airship loading screen.
  • Decreased CPU usage of lasers. Pew pew.
  • Axe determination level 3 visual effects no longer play permanently after activating, despite how cool it looked.
  • Reaching axe determination level 3 no longer makes the game run slower for your teammates.
  • Fixed a rare crash on PlayStation 4.


Trello Community issues