New to Dauntless
New Hunt Pass: Power Balance
Avellainia has opened the Orrery’s archives, unlocking long lost technologies and equipment. As their presence grows throughout the Shattered Isles, this unique fashion will soon find its way to Ramsgate. Don the opulent stylings of Avellainia’s past in the Power Balance Hunt Pass.
Reward Cache Refresh
We’ve added a slew of items to the Reward Cache. Collect Orrery Coins to unlock the Secret Keeper armour set, Keeper weapons, and a collection of Dark Harvest goodies, new and old.
Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest is nigh! Collect weekly gifts hidden across Ramsgate that contain various rumours. Each week will see two more gifts added until October 21, when the actual event begins — Night will descend on Ramsgate, and with it you will see various new quests, cosmetics, and events …
Cell Recategorization
We’ve decided to revisit cell categories, and recategorize some of our existing cells to encourage build diversity. All five categories have been renamed, and each has been revised to align with a vision statement to guide the design. As part of this recategorization, eleven cells were reorganized to better reflect their conceptual fit in the new system. Read more on our official website.
Banked XP
Not ready to reforge your max level weapon? Well, we have good news! We’re adding banked XP to Dauntless. This system allows you to store weapon XP at level 20 to use towards reforging in the future. Banked XP is earned at 75% the rate of normal XP. For instance, 100 regular XP translates to 75 banked XP, which then caps out once you reach the limit. Each weapon will have its own XP bank.
Seasonal Challenges and Quests
We’re updating our existing challenge system. Each week will unlock a new set of challenges, and every player will receive the same ones. Any uncompleted challenges will roll over to the following week, creating a backlog for you to tackle at any time within the season. Alongside this, a new quest will be available every week, and only removed at the end of the season. Don’t miss out!
New Rumours
Unlock the Protector hammer, sword, strikers, and chain blades through new rumours. These rumours will drop from battles with Scorchstone Hellion, Heroic Koshai, Sprorestruck Charrogg, and Flameborn Gnasher on The Blazeworks.

Added the Overseer Armour Bundle.
Added Secretkeeper’s Wings Glider.

The Parasitic perk now more accurately determines delayed damage. Early ranks were dealing too much delayed damage over time.
Elder Behemoths now spawn with two shields instead of three.

During its 360° swipe attack, the active damage frames in the lower body have been reduced.
Players can now destroy Phaelanx’s projectiles by damaging them. Catch!

Tightened up and improved Charrogg’s hitboxes.

The Hunting Grounds
Phaelanx has replaced Heroic Gnasher on The Paradox Breaks.
Phaelanx and Thunderdeep Drask have replaced Flameborn Rezakiri and Heroic Embermane on Twilight Sanctuary.
Quality of Life

Interacting with the loot cube at the end of a public event now restores HP and replenishes supply crates.
Behemoths now make more accurate contact with the ground.
Players can now matchmake for their current island in The Hunting Grounds.

Fixed an issue where some consoles would incorrectly output at too high a resolution, resulting in poor performance.

Player names and their inspect icons were moved a bit higher.
The “Inventory” menu has been renamed “My Slayer”.
Tracked quests, rumours, and craftable items now save across different devices.
Removed all star metrics on all Hunting Ground related UI as they were confusing when paired with levels. We found they weren’t properly communicating Behemoth complexity.
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the Cascade perk’s red buff was inheriting its damage type from the player’s equipped weapon.
The Sprinter perk effect is now properly removed when unequipped.
Kharaback weapons’ cooldown icons will now disappear when the player switches weapons at a supply crate as intended.
The Pulse cell’s buff will now disappear when the perk is removed as intended.
Gruk-gruks will no longer attack a player if the player is close to a Behemoth. For real this time.
Fixed an issue where Hellion and Pangar’s scales didn’t have collision on them.

War Pike
Fate of the Firebird now correctly has +3 Aetheric Attunement when power surged.

Fixed a bug where players could use infinite mag bombs with the Twin Suns.
Inferno’s Roar repeaters now correctly grant +3 Overpower when power surged.
Fixed a bug where a player with repeaters would not get the damage bonus when attacking a part marked by another player’s empowered marksman chamber ability.
Precision Sights’ damage bonus is now only removed by weapon attacks against non-marked parts.
Throwing Sparks repeaters now correctly have the Aetheric Evasion perk.
Power surged Raging Repeaters now have 12 ammo as intended.
The Storm Shooter repeaters now have the correct unique effect bonus in their description. It was previously showing 1.
The Empowered Salvo Chamber will now check the Salvo Chamber move while in the Training Grounds.

Fixed a bug where Phaelanx was giving lower than expected Mastery XP.

Fixed a bug where Stormclaw’s projectiles would disappear when spawned.

The Chronovore
Reduced the amount of unintended hits during attacks by improving hit boxes.
Fixed a bug where tail-based attacks were damaging the player when they weren’t supposed to.

Fixed various cases of floating geometry across the game.

Fixed a bug where lantern VFXs were appearing in odd locations.

Improved performance when fighting Deadeye Quillshot.
Fixed a rare crash that occurred when getting close to Behemoths.

Fixed a bug where audio was not playing as intended when switching islands or returning to Ramsgate.

Fixed cases of bounty, challenge, and rumour objectives not displaying or completing.
Fixed cases of incorrect objective descriptions for bounty, challenges, and rumours.
The hold indicator when turning cells into aetherdust at The Middleman now displays correctly.
Fixed a bug where players couldn’t navigate to the journal.
Fixed a bug where Adversary’s Visage would display in the consumables selection in the equipment menu.
The Heroic Escalation descriptions now show the correct Behemoth names and icons in the Slayer’s Path.
After purchasing an item in the store, the menu no longer returns to the featured tab.
The background no longer overlaps on top of the Slayer’s Club purchase menu.
The Phaelanx Forge event is now mentioned in The Blazework’s description.
Event VFX should no longer appear on top of menus.
The “You have no (item) available” message now shows on corresponding screens that don’t have any items.
Element tooltips now display correctly at lower resolutions.
Fixed a bug where the reward UI was not showing after defeating a Behemoth due to active public events.
Weapon mastery objective checkboxes are no longer misaligned.
When redeeming core rewards, the reward counter will no longer display until the correct amount of rewards is tabulated.
The resistance summary number now aligns vertically when the player’s armour has no elemental resistances.
Fixed cases of text breaking their UI bounds across various languages.