New to Dauntless
Changes to the Hunt Pass
Hunt Passes are changing in a few key ways.
The Slayer Commission is a new kind of Hunt Pass containing 100 levels of useful items like rams, merits, bounty tokens, aethersparks, and more. You’ll be able to earn 100% platinum back on your purchase by completing your pass! This pass expires, but returns at the start of every season.
Cosmetic Hunt Passes, on the other hand, are yours to keep forever once you have purchased them. These passes won’t expire. Cosmetic Hunt Passes that you haven’t yet purchased will still only be available to purchase for a limited time.
Hunt Pass: Monster Inside
Some Slayers spend so much time with Behemoths that they become just like the beasts they hunt. Wearing their hide and wielding their fangs, these Slayers blur the line between Behemoths and humanity. Unlock this pass to unleash your inner fury and earn monstrous rewards.
Hunt Pass: Voidrunner Discovery
The Voidrunners are an ancient civilization that appears to have worshipped the Thrax. Not much is known about these people, other than paintings on cavern walls that tell stories of using umbral aether to create personal transportation portals. Unlock this pass to discover Voidrunner secrets and earn shadowy rewards.
New Rumours
Complete two new rumour quest chains to receive poisonous weapon skins. Meet special requirements while hunting a Sporestruck Embermane to begin your search for the Ravening Blades, a fungally infested pair of chain blades. Hunt a Sporestruck Charrogg and complete a secret goal to unlock the rumour for Rotting Deathcap, a poisonous axe.
New Season: Return to Light
Each week brings more challenges and story quests. Collect Prismatic coins to unlock mystical gear native to the Farslayer Ritualists. Complete weekly story quests to help Dr. Priyani clean up the mess her colleagues at the Orrery have made.

Changed rumour names to always be named after the items they reward.
Toxic Phage now begins after meeting certain requirements while hunting a Sporestruck Embermane.
Deep Rot now begins after meeting certain requirements while hunting a Sporestruck Charrogg.
Searing Dawn and Exquisite Sunburn now begin after meeting certain requirements while hunting a Flameborn Rezakiri.
Wreath of Shadows and Thorns of Dusk now begin after meeting certain requirements while hunting a Shadowtouched Koshai.
Isgryth Jehylm and Isgryth Hamar now begin after meeting certain requirements while hunting a Deepfrost Skarn.
First Warden’s Bryjind and First Warden’s Jehylm now begin after meeting certain requirements while hunting an Urska.

Increased the speed at which poison builds up when standing in a poison pool.

The Hunting Grounds
Tempestborne Stormclaw now spawns on Twilight Sanctuary, instead of the Heroic version.
Quality of Life

Tragic Echo and Prismatic Grace special abilities now reset on a 5-minute cooldown or on a Behemoth kill.

Made the Hunt Pass selection screen easier to navigate with minor UI updates.
Bug Fixes

Fixed a number of issues with collision between Behemoths and players.
Fixed an issue where some Hellion weapons would not count hits past 10.

Fixed an issue where the Deepfrost Skarn’s shell flipping attacks wouldn’t damage players. Ice spikes do hurt after all.

Fixed an issue where the Frostwülf’s front right leg wouldn’t drop the correct part when broken.

Updated the Torgadoro Mastery page to no longer require hunting the Heroic version of the Behemoth.

Fixed an issue where leg armours would appear transparent when the Living Blade Carapace chest skin is equipped.

Improved overall performance of supply crates.

Challenge cards with multiple objectives now update the individual objectives when they complete.
Updated all omnicell descriptions for clarity. (No changes to the effects.)
Updated the tooltip for Marksman Chamber to correctly indicate that it only affects part and core damage.
Changed the tooltip for aetherdust when appearing as a quest objective to be clearer.
Changed the tooltip for empty cell slots in the loadout menu to help players acquire their first cell.
Updated the character reset warning to include descriptions of how it will impact progression in newer systems.
Fixed a number of small text errors in the journal.
We want Ozz to be a special event NPC who visits Ramsgate when he has something exciting for Slayers. This requires changing how some of the rumours are acquired. Instead of simply grabbing them from Ozz, they’ll require some work on your end to unlock!