Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the minimum and recommended weapon levels for Radiant Escalation (10-50) were too low. They now match the requirements for the other elemental Escalations (10-50).
Fixed an issue where the Radiant Escalation Level 25 rewards were granting the Urska ultra arms transmog instead of the Chronovore ones. If you already claimed these rewards and encountered this issue, please contact Dauntless Support to be granted the correct item.

Fixed an issue where the quest to unlock the Chronoslayer Event Pass was still showing for some players. These items are now available as part of the Radiant Escalation Level 25 rewards.
Fixed an issue where objectives in the quests “Escalation Game” and “Apex Predator” would not complete with a run of Radiant Escalation.
“Surge I: The Ruined Temple” no longer requires completion of “Alliances VI: The Slayers of Ramsgate”. It now requires unlocking Milestone VI in the Slayer’s Path instead.

Fixed an issue where some players who had a completed Hunt Pass set as their active ones were unable to switch to another Hunt Pass from the selection screen with a controller.

Fixed an issue where the achievements/trophies “On the Up and Up” and “Hero of Ostia” would not complete with a run of Radiant Escalation.