New to Dauntless

New Trials & Trials Improvements
Phaelanx will appear on the Island of Trials beginning August 18.
Flameborn Quillshot will appear on the Island of Trials beginning November 10.
The Drask Trial has been replaced with Thunderdeep Drask.
The Shrowd Trial has been replaced with Bloodshot Shrowd.
Dire Discovery
Kat continues to search for the reason why Behemoths appear to be evolving throughout the Shattered Isles. New variants, new forms, new dangers. Her investigation suggests something strange is happening on Undervald Defile. Help her get to the bottom of this growing mystery.

We’ve heard feedback from players who were confused by quests that “handed in” items (removing them from your inventory) when you completed them. To address this, we’ve removed all of these objective types from quests and rumours that were using them, and replaced them with equivalent objectives. As part of this review, we also slightly rebalanced a number of rumour objectives to reflect changes in other parts of the game.
The Blazeworks Protector rumours and Dye rumours will be updated to fall in line with these changes, in a future patch.
Removed all “Hand In” objectives, except for quest-specific item drops.
Objectives that still require an item to be handed in will now display “Gather and donate” for extra clarity.
Most objectives that previously asked Slayers to hand in items have been adjusted to instead ask for players to collect an equivalent item. Common and part drop collection objectives will require collecting new items, while rare and epic drop objectives will count existing items you have in your inventory. (We’ll adjust the text to make this distinction clearer in a future release.)
The Fatal Deathcap rumour has had a number of collect objectives and values changed to better focus it around Sporestruck Charrogg.
The Timeweave rumours now require 8 Chrono-Stones each, down from 10, and 4 Phased Pellicle each, down from 8.
The Searing Dawn and Exquisite Sunburn rumours now require 5 Obsidian Biocrystal each, down from 10.
The Wreath of Shadows rumour now requires 3 Cracked Rictus parts from Thrax, down from 5.
The Field-Rigged Battleplate rumour now requires 3 Jagged Shocktooth parts from Malkarion, down from 5.
A number of rumour objective strings and item descriptions have been updated for clarity and accuracy.
Bug fixes

Radiant Escalation
Improved an issue that could cause Chronovore to get stuck outside the walls of the arena in Radiant Escalation.

Fixed some objectives that did not progress correctly.

Fixed an issue where incorrect videos would play in the Move List screen.
Fixed an issue with the order of Behemoths in the journal.
Fixed an issue where quests that automatically opened the Slayer’s Path would not correctly highlight the intended node.
Fixed an issue where Frostback Pangar was being included as part of the Week 3 challenge Wing Clipper.

Fixed an issue causing invisible arms when using the Ritualist Branches arms transmog with other items.

Fixed a crash that was reported at the end of mission hunt Spore Problems.
Improvements to reduce shadow popping in Ramsgate.
Lady Luck brings a handful of new challenges to her Island of Trials, along with changes to modifiers in existing Trials.
Beginning August 18, Modifiers for Trials will be reduced across the board. Normal Trials will now have one modifier, and Dauntless Trials will have two. This update places focus on fighting the Behemoth and reducing randomness.