New to Dauntless
Dire Discovery: A Shadow
Uncover the foreboding final chapter of the Dire Discovery season.
New Bonus Events
Be on the lookout for new bonus events that will run from now until the end of the year. Each of these minor events will be linked to a character in Ramsgate, offer bonus progression, and a temporary repeatable quest.
For example, during the Bosun’s Bounty event, you will get a bounty token whenever you complete a bounty. Plus, you can complete the Bosun’s repeatable Escalation quest to earn more bounty tokens. Kat’s Weapon Training event will give you double weapon XP and a repeatable Behemoth slaying quest to earn combat merits.
We’re planning to start with five of these minor events and will put them into regular rotation.

Founder is now a legendary title.
Slayer of the Queen is now a legendary title.

The Umbral Nayzaga Normal Trial now features the Deadly modifier.
The Umbral Nayzaga Dauntless Trial now features the Deadly and Fury modifiers.
Bug fixes

The challenge related to this season’s Week 9 Story Quest now appears in Week 10.

Nayzaga’s Mastery card now only lists the current interrupt objective level, instead of all three levels.

Fixed an issue where Skraev’s feathers didn’t animate properly.

All journal entries earned as rewards during the Clear Skies season now properly display in the journal screen. This means no more permanent breadcrumbs for this menu item.