
Agarus’ Ruptured Stalk break parts no longer disappear.

Mounting a Sporestruck Embermane as it dies no longer causes players to repeatedly teleport to the body’s mount point.
Sporestruck Embermanes will no longer get stuck and not know where to go next. We blame a lifetime of boops…

Nayzaga heads can now be targeted during their slide attack.

Blaze Rezakiri fireballs no longer fire repeatedly if you stagger one out of an attack.

The Shrowd interrupt visual alert will now disappear after the interrupt window ends.

Skraev tornados can now collide with Slayers.

War Pike
War pike no longer has an input delay between strikes in a combo and dodging.

Hammers transmogged with the Champion’s Hammer skin will now apply damage correctly.

The “Press to Activate” prompt on Thrax weapon legendary abilities now activates properly with sword, war pike, and chain blades.

The Exposed Weakness amp in Umbral Escalation no longer makes attacks appear as if they are dealing critical damage when they are not.

Reaching Escalation level 25 in the Terra Escalation talent tree now stops charged aether XP from dropping.
The ambience in Terra Escalation’s final arena no longer plays over-top of the combat audio.
Flower grass patches in Terra Escalation will no longer float.
Various tree branches now have proper collision parameters in Terra Escalation.
Players will no longer clip through the ground in certain areas of Terra Escalation.
Players will no longer clip through various giant rocks in the third arena of Terra Escalation.
Bug fixes

Fixed a bug where Master’s Hat helmet skin shadows were displaying incorrectly.
Slayer noses will no longer clip through the Thornguard Crest helmet or Sentinel’s Mask helmet skins.
Survival Goggle helmet skin no longer shakes.

Slayer Links
Canceling a Slayer Link, then inviting the same person to link no longer results in a failure.
Players can now click the “Unlock Link” button.
Players can no longer link all three of their Slayer Links to a single friend.

Agarus interrupt mastery has been removed from its Mastery page, as Agaruses cannot be interrupted.
Fixed typos in the new Quests and Missions’ dialogue.
The Agarus movelist tutorial video is no longer missing in the menus.
The “Granny Strega’s Revitalizing Tonics” quest title no longer breaks the UI.
Mission text is no longer missing in the matchmaking status bar.
The Player Inbox no longer shows an unread message notification even if all mail has been read.
Agarus armour is no longer missing the Agarus head icon in the menus.
The Personal Starlight lantern skin now displays the correct side in its store preview.

On the Far and Away mission, using the “Help I’m Stuck” menu option will no longer put you at the start of the Escalation behind broken jump vents.

Fixed crashes that were tied to out of memory issues.
Fixed client disconnects that were due to the bounty component timing out.

Zebko’s legs no longer clip through his pants. They were too powerful and had to be covered up.