New to Dauntless
Behemoth Dye Rumours
Looking to expand your dye collection? Patch 1.5.4 brings back four Behemoth dyes — Grievance, Plume, Eclipse, and Supernova — and introduces a more reliable way to get them. Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping for good RNG, you can now guarantee a dye rumour drop by meeting certain secret requirements during battle.
Paladin of Vylmark Reworked
After listening to feedback from the community, we’ve reworked the visual effects on the Paladin of Vylmark chest piece. Players can now bask in the lights of the aurora borealis.

New Journal Entries
The in-game journal continues to expand. You can now find all Flameborn and Sporestruck Behemoth variants in the journal. The entries will unlock when you next encounter these foes.
Quality of life

Gruk-gruks will no longer attack a player if the player is close to a Behemoth. But they will wait for their moment … Just out of sight … Always waiting …

Hunting Grounds
Patrol chests now have an audio cue to help Slayers locate them in the Hunting Grounds.
Added a global audio cue to let players know when an event has started in the Hunting Grounds.
Removed Riftstalker from the duo fight in the Toxic Behavior island event.

Weapon skill level now displays in the airship lobby before Escalation and Trials hunts.
Added appropriate damage colour to the descriptions of damage types.
New icons were added to the crafting menus to show which Items are ready to craft or power surge.
The Slayer XP icon is now gold and the XP bar has been adjusted to match. Shiny!

Skipped rumour steps now carry over if you reset your account progress.
You can now preview rumour rewards from the Hunt Pass overview screen.
Rumour steps that have a skip option now display the platinum cost in their overview description.

Improved the description for the Avatar of Unity. It should now be easier to understand.
Changed “Insulated Gear” talent to “Fur Lined Gear” to avoid confusion with the Insulated cell and perk.

Added a new dye region for the fur on the Warden Defender’s Bryjind.

Urska’s tail now has 6,000 less health and is easier to break.
Increased Urska’s health by 10%.

Increased Avatar of Control’s stagger from 30% to 50%.
The “Frozen Armour” talent now grants an additional 25 health each round.
Virulent Impact is now a rare amp in Terra Escalation (increased from common).
Avatar of Destruction no longer has an internal cooldown and now reduces frostbite buildup with each critical hit.

Last Stand mod removed from Normal Trials difficulty, allowing for up to 3 self-revives.
Starting on March 4, Trials will now reset at 10 a.m. PT instead of 2 a.m. PT.

Increased the amount of shielding provided by the Fortress perk to 75/100/125/150/175/200 (up from 10/20/40/60/80/100). It will now stack up to 3 times.

Increased the Broadsides Lantern’s hold ability damage to 750 (up from 650).
Increased the Skarn’s Defiance lantern tap ability duration to 12 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
Mounted attacks will no longer generate a stamina shield if you’re wearing the Skullforge helm.

War Pike
Reduced animation duration between the fourth and fifth inputs on the light attack combo.
Bug fixes

Fixed the hammer’s uppercut input buffer to make the combo easier to pull off.
Fixed an issue where dodging out of a hammer charge would continue the charge after the button was released.
Dodging out of a hammer charge attack will now correctly update the charged ammo UI.

Chain Blades
Fixed an issue where tapping light attack during a Blade Spin combo (instead of holding it) would ignore the input.
Improved an issue where Reaper’s Dance is sometimes hitting an invisible wall.

The Hypothermica sword (Urska) now has the correct power surge recipe requirements.

Fixed an issue where axe charged attacks could be held indefinitely.

Nayzagas’ larger lightning orbs can no longer pass through the Behemoth and now behave the same as their smaller lightning orbs.

Urska’s claw swipes will now hit the player when they make contact with them.
While enraged, Urska’s eyes will glow red. Previously, they were appearing under its body.
You should now see Urksa’s tooth and tail pieces on the ground when they’re broken.

Malkarions’ sync attack in Trials does damage again. Enjoy!

Fixed an issue where Riftstalkers could teleport outside of its arena in the Hunting Grounds.

Fixed an issue where Deepfrost Gnashers would try to use their tail attack even if their tail had already been severed.

Deepfrost Skarns no longer use green aether to control their rocks; it’s now an icy blue.

Fixed an issue where a Pangar’s rolling sound effect would continue to play if it was killed during its rolling state.

Deepfrost Embermanes now howl when entering their aether-charged state.

Hunting Grounds
Fixed a bug where certain Behemoths were not spawning in the Hunting Grounds.
Fixed multiple instances of level zero Behemoths in events.

Fixed a bug where the lantern capacitor’s overview menu was displaying Escalations as +50 power and resistance at level 25 but was actually giving +150 power under the hood. The UI should now display the correct power level. We’ve also reduced the actual power and resistance bonus from 150 to 100. This will make all Escalations slightly harder.
Fixed a bug where leveling up in Frost Escalation would not grant a corresponding power bonus.
Reapplying Spiteful Evasion and Spiteful Onslaught while one is currently active will correctly refresh it to its full duration.
Fixed an issue where Behemoths wouldn’t spawn on the fourth and fifth arena of Umbral Escalation.

Fixed a bug preventing players from finishing the “Far and Away” and “Spore Problems” quests.
“Mane Attraction VII” now specifies the correct damage type requirement.
Paying platinum to skip a quest step will no longer consume the other items required by that step.

Collectable buffs, such as those spawned from Captain’s Grip, will correctly play their visual and audio effects when collected.
Fixed an issue where Slayers transitioned back into running animations after falling off an edge.
Fixed an issue that caused Slayers to get stuck in an endless falling animation on ledges.
Fixed an issue where Behemoth-spawned objects, such as Skraev’s blizzard totem, could spawn underground and out of reach.
Fixed an issue where some arenas in the Hunting Grounds had invisible walls blocking Behemoth visibility.
Weapon sheathing is now automatic when changing loadouts. This will prevent players from getting stuck with an invisible weapon.
Fixed an issue where weapons wouldn’t be correctly attached to the player after sheathing or unsheathing them.

Players can now properly use the strikers crafting menu with a controller.
Fixed a bug where players would not see a DPS meter when in the Training Grounds.
Repeaters’ crafting UI is now on par with the rest of the crafting screens.
Increased the range for daily coin toss and core breaker interactions.
Fixed a bug where crafting or upgrading an item would not update the UI.
Discounted offers that grant the player platinum are now marked as “on sale” for all platforms.
Fixed a bug where quest markers would not show up in the UI during hunts.
Fixed a bug where the Hunt button in the main menu would show a quest marker even if there were no hunt-related quests.
Removed old Mastery objective to upgrade Quillshot’s Javelin (war pike) to level 10.
Fixed incorrect descriptions for war pike nodes on the Slayer’s Path.
Fixed various typos across the entire game. We hope you didn’t notice them…
Players can now clear notifications on Behemoth journal entries.
Dire Mastery cards now list the correct Behemoth names.
The “hold to revive” icon is no longer displayed if a downed player is out of reach.
Fixed a bug where rumours and quests sometimes showed inaccurate icons above NPCs.
The Slayer Links experience bar now updates automatically; you no longer have to exit and re-enter the menu to see progress.

The titles “Crimson Cavalier” and “Crimson Blade” now have their rarity tier set correctly.
Fixed various issues which were causing Slayers to appear jittery while playing their arrivals.
Fixed various armour clipping issues and gaps on Paladin’s Soul, Thrax’s Embrace, Wicked Grasps, Machaetheric Megamitts, Wayfinder’s Flight Gloves, Forgemaster Gauntlets, Unseen Protectors, Gauntlets of the Rift, Quillspike Grips, Dark Embrace, Darkscale Gauntlets, and Climbing Grips.
Fixed the Gone Fishing emote so that it correctly syncs with the player character.
Fixed an issue where the frog in the Splashdown arrival animation was invisible. Who knows how they’ll evolve next…

Changing weapons or loadout slots in the equipment screen will no longer briefly stall the game.
Fixed various crashes related to memory issues.

Improved overall mix for all weapon and ability sounds coming from nearby Slayers.