New to Dauntless
In Ramsgate, the weather has started to warm, bringing Springtide cheer — and cotton-tailed pufflehops — back to the Shattered Isles. But more pufflehops also mean more hungry styxians … The Springtide event kicks off on March 25, 2021 at 10 a.m PT and ends on April 8 at 10 a.m. PT. Expect unique prizes and the return of the Pufflehop Rescue event hunt.
Normalized Power in Trials
Gear power and resistance have been normalized in Trials. When we launched the reforge mechanic, we created a world where going back to content earlier in progression was more valuable than ever before. We also created a world where players were forced to choose between reforging their weapons or keeping them at level 20 to stay competitive in Trials. That’s not a choice we want players to have to make.
Level Requirements
We’ve added clarity to the matchmaking process to ensure Slayers are in the right activities for their current gear level. Players will no longer be able to enter hunts that are too high above their current weapon level. Players will be in the correct hunt for the gear they have equipped. These requirements will not affect private hunts.
Improved Core Breaker
The improved core breaker organizes and adds clarity to your current inventory of cores. It also allows you to open ten at a time! Now it’s easier than ever to sort through your cores and open exactly what you need.

Added the Vicious dye rumour (Deadeye Quillshot).
Added the Wildfire dye rumour (Scorchstone Hellion).
Added the Virtuoso dye rumour (Tempestborne Stormclaw).
Added the Sovereign dye rumour (Koshai).
Quality of life

Hunting Grounds
Deepfrost Skarns, Gnashers, and Embermanes now appear throughout the Hunting Grounds.

Weapon meters now charge when damaging Koshai thorns.

We took Prismatic Resonators out to help streamline the player experience of the dye rumours and remove any confusion surrounding where they can be found.
Removed Prismatic Resonator requirements on Heroic Dye rumours.
Removed Prismatic Resonator from Patrol chests drops.

In the Hunt Map, viewing challenge level details for a Hunting Grounds island will now temporarily hide other information to improve visibility.
Rumour quest objectives now specify which damage type they require.

Trials have been tuned across the board to support normalised power and to make them a more fair challenge. Slayers should expect longer, more challenging, and more consistent fights.
Standardized all hunt modifier timers in Trials. This will make Trials more consistent across runs. For example, the Bomber mod was activating between 25 seconds and 35 seconds and now always activates every 30 seconds.
Decreased Dauntless difficulty Trials from 700 power to 650.
Removed the Inferno modifier from all applicable Trials.
Trials Behemoths’ health increased by 65%.
Trials Behemoths’ health scaling per player increased by 30%.
Trials Behemoths’ part health reduced by 20%.
Trials Behemoths’ stagger health increased by 28%.
Trials Behemoths’ stagger health scaling per player increased by 30%.
Trials Behemoths’ wound health scaling per player increased by 25%.
Bug fixes

Improved performance across all Escalations to increase framerate.
Fixed a client crash that occurred when viewing rumours.

Fixed an issue where the player was unable to start a newly unlocked quest until they went on a hunt and then returned to Ramsgate.
Step five of “The Mane Attraction” rumour quest has moved to Xelya to reduce player confusion.

Fixed issue where the Cascade cell’s yellow orbs were larger than intended.
Urska weapons’ legendary ability now deals damage distributed over the entire Behemoth and will interrupt no matter which part of the ice wall it contacts.
Fixed an issue where training dummies on the Training Grounds would not register wound damage.
Fixed an issue where the Shrike’s Zeal lantern’s hold aura would stay active after switching lanterns.
Fixed an issue where the Recruit Lantern’s shield would stay active after switching lanterns.
Koshais, Skraevs, Deepfrost Gnashers, Deepfrost Skarns, and Deepfrost Embermanes can no longer be debuffed by their own element.
Fixed an issue where players could not be revived if they were downed next to an aether vent or lore object.

Fixed an issue where repeaters were not visible while shooting. Rest in peace, finger guns. We’ll miss you.
Storm Barrel now correctly displays as a Stormclaw weapon part.

A Deepfrost Gnasher’s somersault move will no longer create a projectile if its tail is severed.
Fixed a bug where Deepfrost Gnasher’s enraged eyes visual effect was misplaced on the ground. Don’t you hate it when you drop your eyes?

Fixed an issue where terra visual effects would play for Deepfrost Skarns when interrupted during its shell slam.

Weapon icons now change if a user changes their weapon type in the Trials airship lobby.
Fixed a bug where new players would not see the correct tips and prompts during the tutorial Gnasher fight.
Fixed a bug where Training Grounds was not accessible for some players.
Fixed a bug where certain helm skins weren’t appearing in store previews.
Currency rewards on the Hunt Pass will now show a warning (“You already have the maximum amount of a reward in this Hunt Pass.”) if you are at the cap for that currency.
Fixed a bug on PC where changes to the camera FOV in the options would not apply in-game.
Fixed a bug where Slayer Link notifications would not appear for some players.
All control schemes now show the correct input key for breaking out of frozen.
Increased the amount of text a player can enter when reporting a bug in the Help menu. Now you can give us all the juicy details!
Fixed inconsistent title text on the blaze resistance nodes in the Slayer’s Path.
Fixed a typo in the unique effect text for Charrogg weapons.

The “I Heart You” emote audio no longer cuts out if it is activated in quick succession.
The Cascade cell’s green orbs now make a sound when picked up.
Axe Determination now has a looping sound effect for Determination level four.
The Reforge button sound effect will now continue to play even if the player lets go midway.

Fixed various clipping issues in Ramsgate.
We’re continuing to add Behemoth dyes back into the Shattered Isles. You can unlock the following dye rumours by meeting certain secret requirements during battle.