
Thraxes have increased health, but their limbs are easier to break.
Thraxes are less likely to become stuck outside the arena.
Fixed a bug that could cause Thraxes to disappear after the portal train attack.
Fixed a bug that could cause wounding not to work on Thraxes.

Fixed a bug that caused Riftstalkers to lose their hitbox when leaving a portal.

Fixed a bug that could cause Shadowtouched Nayzagas to lose their hitbox after using a portal.
Fixed a bug that could cause wounding not to work on Shadowtouched Nayzagas.

Fixed a bug that could cause players to get stuck inside a Quillshot.
Improved the side-spinning shooting attack to better sync the animation with the damage.
Fixed an issue where broken quills wouldn’t change to the broken texture.

Charrogg lava balls will now explode if they fall off a cliff, instead of becoming stuck.

Shadowtouched Koshai projectiles are no longer missing materials on consoles and PCs with low detail settings.

Power adjustments
As we continue to tune the early- to mid-game progression, we’ve found that the power/difficulty curve is leaning a little too heavily into difficulty, so we’re adjusting the power and threat levels of a host of regular and Dire Behemoths.
Skarn: Power level 120 (down from 140)
Skraev: Power level 140 (down from 150)
Shrike: Power level 160 (down from 200), threat rating 4 (down from 5)
Quillshot: Power level 180 (down from 200)
Nayzaga: Power level 180 (down from 200)
Embermane: Power level 180 (down from 200)
Kharabak: Power level 230 (down from 250)
Boreus: Power level 230 (down from 250)
Charrogg: Power level 230 (down from 250)
Stormclaw: Power level 230 (down from 250)
Drask: Power level 255 (down from 275), threat rating 6 (down from 7)
Hellion: Power level 255 (down from 275), threat rating 6 (down from 7)
Pangar: Power level 255 (down from 275), threat rating 6 (down from 7)
Valomyr: Power level 280 (down from 300), threat rating 7 (down from 8)
Rockfall Skarn: Power level 280 (down from 300), threat rating 7 (down from 8)
Riftstalker: Power level 305 (down from 325), threat rating 8 (down from 9)
Moonreaver Shrike: Power level 305 (down from 325), threat rating 8 (down from 9)
Ragetail Gnasher: Power level 305 (down from 325), threat rating 8 (down from 9)
Dreadfrost Boreus: Power level 305 (down from 325), threat rating 8 (down from 9)
Koshai: Power level 330 (down from 350), threat rating 9 (down from 10)
Razorwing Kharabak: Power level 330 (down from 350), threat rating 9 (down from 10)
Bloodfire Embermane: Power level 330 (down from 350), threat rating 9 (down from 10)
Winterhorn Skraev: Power level 365 (down from 375)
Shockjaw Nayzaga: Power level 365 (down from 375)
Frostback Pangar: Power level 365 (down from 375)
Deadeye Quillshot: Power level 390 (down from 400)
Scorchstone Hellion: Power level 390 (down from 400)
Tempestborne Stormclaw: Power level 390 (down from 400)

Fixed a bug where using Grim Onslaught or Relentless Onslaught on a Behemoth at point blank range with other targets nearby could result in the Behemoth being damaged multiple times.

Hammers with no ammo can now use the Torgadoro legendary ability heavy attack.

Fixed a bug that could cause equipped repeater parts to not display until you hit equip twice, or changed another item.

Aether Strikers
Sovereign’s Scepters (Koshai strikers) buff VFX no longer show beneath the player.

Fixed a bug that caused the Thrax weapon legendary ability to auto-target dead Behemoths.
Quality of life

Based on player feedback, the Umbral Knight Ultra Armour has new dye regions.

Sending a message to party or guild chat no longer leaves the chat window focused and open.
Sending a whisper no longer resets chat to city chat.
The following commands should have the same functionality as “/whisper”: /t /w
The following commands should have the same functionality as “/guild”: /g
The following commands should have the same functionality as “/party”: /p

Holding down the crafting button down now continuously performs upgrades.
You can now rebind the default key for opening the Journal.
The Journal now shows right stick scrolling indicators.
Improved visibility of breadcrumbing on consoles.
Improved smoothness of opening the Journal.
Moved Quests and Bounties option up in the main menu.
Improved the clarity of items selected for purchase on PC.
Purchasing the Oculus Umbra Booster Bundle will now cause the Escalation boost UI indicator to appear immediately, instead of after the next hunt.

Reduced input lag on Nintendo Switch.
Fixed a couple of rare crashes.
Bug fixes

Fixed a bug that could cause players to be stuck at the start of hunts in a way that also broke weapon abilities, lantern abilities, and lowered defensive stats.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to escape the Trials arena using the Thrax legendary ability.
Fixed a bug that could lower the damage of certain Thrax, Torgadoro, Malkarion, and styxian attacks.
Elemental Summoner Blaze Orb now correctly does full damage. It can no longer interrupt.

Fixed missing Umbral form and Radiant form VFX in Umbral Escalation.
Fixed a bug that caused banners to appear below the Umbral Escalation islands.
Each player entering the gate for the fourth arena of Umbral Escalation now needs to interact with the crystal to proceed.
Fixed an issue with splitting umbral material being difficult to see on low detail mode (PC) and on consoles.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Full Throttle amp from appearing in amp selection.

Training grounds
Fixed a bug that prevented some players from accessing the Training Grounds side quest, locking them out of the DPS meter.
Improved the readability of the text when approaching a weapon pedestal in the Training Grounds.
Fixed a bug that could cause aether strikers’ Surge ability to leave you stuck inside a training dummy.
Training dummies no longer play the wrong sound effects on weapon impact.
UI / Tutorial slate improvements.
Using the Thrax legendary ability on a training dummy can no longer get you stuck inside it.
Fixed a bug that could prevent you from going back to Ramsgate from the Training Grounds if the game was still installing.
Fixed a bug where some players would not be shown that they had a quest available in the Training Grounds until they went there.

“That Sinking Feeling” emote was not completely sinking below ground.
Previewing but not equipping the “Ready? Fight!” emote will make no longer make certain things in Ramsgate pixelated.
Fixed a bug where previewing a banner plant animation in the Vault would not display the banner.
Fixed a bug that caused eye glow to stay on after it was previewed.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the Skyfighter Jacket from having textures.
Ironclad Helm’s dye regions are no longer locked.
Improved the clipping on Heroic Plate and Cuirass of the First Slayer with various arm armours.
Fixed a bug that could cause certain helm skins to spawn a second helm that floated above the original.

When you receive the Recruit lantern, it will now automatically replace the Utility lantern.
Fixed a bug that could cause Kat’s armour to disappear, and the second cinematic not to play after the tutorial hunt.
Fix a bug that could cause your lantern to be visible when your character was not.
The tutorial slate about interrupts now displays correctly if you are using chain blades.

Heroic dyes now use the correct icon on the end of hunt screen.
The power rating shown in the main menu now correctly includes lantern power.
Recently crafted/upgraded armour no longer displays breadcrumbs indicating it can still be crafted/upgraded.
The “Bullet Timing” bounty now shows the correct image.
The Mastery UI now properly resets after a character reset.
Having the Hunt Pass page open when the airship timer runs out no longer temporarily breaks the UI.
Improved alignment of assorted text and images throughout the game.
All three dyes in the Pathfinder dye set will now display correctly on the character in the store.
Fixed a bug that caused the character preview to be visible in the main menu when it shouldn’t have been.
Fixed a bug that caused the “Hold Q to interact” for social interactions to not be rebindable.
General icon, text size, alignment, and localization improvements.
Fixed a bug where the voice chat menu could lose focus when using a controller.
Upgrades to Overclock, Pact of Swiftness, Go Time, Exposed Weakness, and Umbral Form talents are now displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug that prevented changes made in the equipment menu from updating the character preview.
Fixed a bug that could cause the weapon crafting screen to show an armour crafting quest objective.
Closing the store after an error can no longer leave your camera stuck pointing at the sky.
The “Recommended Support-A-Creator” button no longer takes you to a broken page on Nintendo Switch in Russian.
Slayers are taking down Thrax faster than we expected, so we’ve made some balance changes to extend the length of the encounter, while making part breaks more attractive.