New to Dauntless
New Island: The Blazeworks
The Ostians have returned to a sprawling facility on this Hunting Grounds island for mysterious purposes. Expect to face extremely powerful Behemoths while discovering twisted secrets. Two new island events are available in The Blazeworks: Poison Personality and Infernal Gaze.
New Omnicell: Tempest
1.7.3 marks the introduction of Tempest, a new omnicell that allows you to capitalize on high movement speed and maneuverability to outwit your foes. You can unlock Tempest alongside Bastion and Iceborne on the Slayer’s Path at level VII.
Passive: Attack speed +10%.
Dodging through an attack grants a stack of Velocity.
Each stack lasts 45 seconds and increases movement speed by 3%.
Max 5 stacks.
Active: Consume a stack of Velocity to dash ahead and deal 400 shock damage to a nearby target, prioritizing unbroken behemoth parts.
For every 1% increase in movement speed, deal +5% damage to unbroken parts.
Stacks are refreshed on use.
Repeaters Refresh
The Ostian repeaters refresh brings a number of gameplay adjustments and quality of life improvements to our first ranged weapon. The first thing you may notice is that the repeaters are no longer modular — you will now craft repeaters as a cohesive whole. Besides making crafting repeaters more streamlined, this refresh gives you access to a full set of unique effects for repeaters and allows you to show off brand-new cosmetic designs based on each Behemoth.
If you crafted repeaters prior to 1.7.3, you will see a full refund for all your crafting materials, including any aetherhearts and rams spent on power surging. In addition to streamlining the process, the new way of crafting repeaters will cost you fewer resources.
New Hunt Pass: Ostigaard Justice
Unlock the armour of the Triumvirate Executors by progressing through the Ostigaard Justice Hunt Pass. You can earn 100% platinum back on your Elite track purchase by making it to the end of the Hunt Pass.
New Reward Cache Content
We have added a slew of items to the Reward Cache. Collect Ostian Coins to unlock the Ostigaard Enforcer armour set, Krolachi Steel weapons, Ranger of the Hinterland weapons, and much, much more. Be sure to check out the updated Reward Cache vault filled with items from the Alchemy of War Hunt Pass.

New Quests
Added the Forged in Fury quest. Assist Admiral Zai in creating an official report by uncovering the secrets of The Blazeworks.
Added the Opalescence Behemoth Dye Rumour.
Added the Lock. Load. Repeaters. quest to Admiral Zai in Ramsgate.
Added the The Guns of Ostigaard quest to Admiral Zai in Ramsgate.
Added the Sproutslayer quest to Gregario in Ramsgate to explain aethersprouts, the new Hunt Pass gatherable.

Hunt Pass gatherables in Ramsgate will always be the plant-like aethersprouts from now on.

Players can now buy single loadout slots, instead of packs of three. They can be purchased directly from the loadout menu.
Players can now have up to 20 loadout slots.
Added the Autumn Dye.
Added the Do the Automaton! Emote.
Added the Kat Emoji Pack.
Added the Lightsworn Benediction Axe skin.
Added the Lightsworn Beacon Lantern skin.
Added the Lightsworn Graces Chainblade skin.
Added the Lightsworn Revelations Repeaters skin.
Added the Middleman Emoji Bundle.
Added the Middlewings Glider.
Added the Middlestar Lantern skin.
Added the Middleblade Sword skin.
Added the Ostian Commander-General armour skin.
Added the Ostigaard Knot Hair Style.
Added the Lightsworn Bundle.
Added the Voidcore Repeaters Bundle.

Slaying Behemoths in Heroic Escalations now grants 100% bonus weapon experience.
Reduced the attack speed of the Hot and Cold modifier to 3/6/9% to better match the updated attack speed changes across the game.

Urska weapon’s legendary ability base damage reduced from 500 to 250.
Iceborne’s Ice Lance base damage reduced from 750 to 350.
Rezakiri weapons’ unique effect now grants a +8% chance for attacks to hit twice before power surging and +12% after power surging. Before, it was a flat 10% before and after power surging.
Discipline’s critical strike damage per stack reduced from 6% to 4%.
Discipline’s punch base damage reduced from 300 to 200.
The Fleet Footed perk’s move speed buff duration increased from 3 to 10 seconds.
Pools of poison now wait 1 second after they appear before being active.

The Hunting Grounds
The danger meter rate on all islands — except the first 4 — has increased, and it now takes 10 minutes to reach full danger instead of 15 minutes.
Reduced the number of totems spawned during the Firewatch event from 6 to 3.

Parts marked by the Marksman Chamber will now take additional core damage, even if they are not broken.
Increased basic shots damage from 80 to 100 (Twin Suns excluded).
Increased empowered basic shots damage from 125 to 175 (Twin Suns excluded).
Increased empowered Marksman Chamber damage from 250 to 350.
Increased empowered Salvo Chamber damage from 400 to 450.
Empowered Full-Bore Chamber does 3x non-empowered damage (increased from 2.5x).
Capacitive Magazine mod now restores 8 ammo, up from 4.
Increased empowered Demolition Sights damage from +50% to +100%.
Demolition Sights mod now grants additional damage against minions, fauna, and objects created by Behemoths.
Quality of Life

Behemoths are now always visible on the compass in the Hunting Grounds, regardless of where you are or if flares are active.
Players will now see portraits of the Escalation keystone Behemoths in each of the corresponding Escalation Slayer’s Path nodes.
Players will see name and icon announcements for Behemoths spawned in a public event.
All the store items now show their type.
Players can now access patch notes from the main menu. Is that where you found us?
Bug Fixes

Beams no longer hit the player when they are blocked by Valomyr’s body.

Players can now complete Escalation challenges by completing patrols for that type of elemental Escalation.

Thunderdeep Drask’s warpike, Inverse Polarity, now has the correct model.
All armour VFXs change color to match the corresponding armour dye channel.

Aetheric Evasion no longer stops working if you are downed.
Charrogg weapons’ unique effect is no longer blocked by stamina cost reduction effects such as Cascade’s yellow buff.
Charrogg’s unique effect now does the intended amount of damage when power surged.
Discipline stacks are now properly cleared when changing omnicells.
Fixed an issue where held inputs would not always trigger the next combo immediately.

The Hunting Grounds
Poison pools in events now spawn and work as intended.
The game will no longer hitches after completing an event.

Blocked areas where the player could reach under the city.

Gatherables and other interactions no longer show “HOLD” if it’s an instant tap input.
Removed old Iceborne cells from the cell exchange screen.
Loading screen hints with incorrect information about the danger meter have been removed.
The Hunt Pass name no longer overlaps with the time remaining countdown.
Heroic merit’s rarity text now says “Epic”.
Polished in-game patch notes.
Downtime/status messages on the login screen will now display correctly in Russian and Japanese.
Players in Germany between 12-16 should now be able to log in and play the game on all platforms.
The Hammer’s Evasive Blast, Jump and Double Jump move list entries now correctly show that they can interrupt Behemoths.
The Pike Charge move list entry now displays “Hold While Sprinting”.
Added Nayzaga’s Ground Slam move to Nayzaga video montages.
We adjusted the Urska weapon’s legendary ability and the Ice Lance ability. Before, both abilities did not factor in the benefits from perk effects. With this change, damage output should remain roughly the same depending on your build.