New to Dauntless
Tis the season, Slayer! The snow is falling and Silver Nikola is preparing gifts for the people of the Shattered Isles. Celebrate Frostfall with island events, snowball fights, quests, and jolly cosmetics. Festivities begin on Dec 16 and end on January 6.
In addition, we also have a special gift for you: Visit the store to redeem your free Frostfall gift — 24 hours of Slayers Club membership!
Ostian Winter Event Pass
The Ostian Winter Hunt Pass makes a comeback this year. Complete this event pass to unlock the full Ostian Thermal Armour set, the Frostslayer title, and more.
The Deepfrost Embermane has been reborn as the ferocious Frostwülf. They’ve been rebalanced and given their own unique set of craftable armour and weapons with a new unique effect, battle music, and mastery cards.
Frostwülf Unique Effect: After using your Lantern ability, create a geyser that continually deals 60 frost damage (100 when power surged). Any Slayer moving through the geyser for the first time is granted a stackable 125 health shield that lasts for 25 seconds (max 600 shields).
New Fortitude Perk: Aegis
Time to shield up! Aegis increases all shields received by +5/8/11/14/17/20% per rank. At rank 4 and above, after gaining 1,000 shields, you ignore the next incoming hit within 15 seconds.

The Frozen status has been completely replaced by the Chilled status (except during Frostfall snowball fights). Give your thumbs a break, Slayer!
Warmth Cell effect now reduces the duration of the Chilled status effect by 10/20/40/60/80% and full immunity to Chilled at level 6.
Urska’s legendary weapon’s ability now blocks beams from Drask, Rezakiri, Phaelanx, The Chronovore, and Valomyr.
Decreased Pangar weapons’ frost brand damage when power surged from 3,000 to 2,500.
Increased Phaelanx weapons’ missile damage when power surged from 150 to 175.
Applying or refreshing a shield when it’s already at maximum capacity now also refreshes its duration.

Aether Strikers
Boreus aether strikers now continuously generate frost sprites for 6 seconds after surging (previously generated a flat 2 sprites).
Decreased the number of hits required to reach Kharabak unique effect 2nd/3rd velocity thresholds from 13/25 to 7/14.
Decreased Charrogg unique effect stamina threshold from 100 to 75.

Increased the number of sprites per charge generated by the Boreus unique effect from 1 to 2.

Chain Blades
Increased Blade Spin walk speed.
Increased the number of hits required to trigger Hellion unique effect from 11 to 15.
Decreased Hellion unique effect damage when power surged from 225 to 200.
Decreased the number of hits required to reach Kharabak unique effect 2nd/3rd velocity thresholds from 20/38 to 10/20.

Increased the number of sprites generated by Boreus unique effect after spending ammo from 1 to 2.
Decreased Charrogg unique effect stamina threshold from 125 to 50.

Keen Edge now also increases your movement speed by 25% for 10 seconds after dealing damage with the projectile.
Decreased the number of hits required to reach Kharabak unique effect 2nd/3rd velocity thresholds from 5/10 to 4/8.
Reduced Boreus unique effect sprite generation rate.
Decreased Charrogg unique effect stamina threshold from 125 to 75.

Decreased the number of hits required to reach Kharabak unique effect 2nd/3rd velocity thresholds from 12/23 to 8/16.
Decreased Charrogg unique effect stamina threshold from 100 to 75.

War Pike
Executioner’s Spearhead now also triggers on wounding assist.
Increase Executioner’s Spearhead bonus damage from 6% to 8%.
Decrease Executioner’s Spearhead bonus duration from 2 minutes to 45 seconds.
Decrease Executioner’s Spearhead bonus max stacks from 10 to 5.
Increased the number of hits required to trigger Hellion unique effect from 8 to 15.
Decreased Hellion unique effect damage when power surged from 225 to 200.
Decreased Charrogg unique effect stamina threshold from 125 to 75.

Changed all cases of Deepfrost Embermane to Frostwülf.
Decreased the amount of time required before entering aether state.
Styxians now only spawn during aether state.
All stomp attack hitbox origins have been moved slightly closer to the Behemoth so they’re easier to dodge.
Frost zones are no longer created when Frostwülf stomps during aether state.
Hitboxes on the shake attack have been tightened.
Chomp attack is no longer interruptible.
Snowball projectiles have been changed to icicles.
Physical damage dealt during their projectile charge up has been slightly decreased and its frost damage has been slightly increased.
Projectile attacks now spawn multiple projectiles that create smaller frost zones when they hit the ground.
Slightly decreased the speed of Frostwülf’s stalking move and tightened its hitboxes.

Quillshot’s enraged Homing Quill attack is no longer a damage threshold interrupt.
Quillshot’s enraged Homing Quill attack is now only interruptible by attacking its head.

Deepfrost Gnasher’s Slapshot attack now hits twice: once during the initial slam and once during the tail swipe.

Slightly increased the amount of damage required to wound Rezakiri’s tail.

The Hunting Grounds
Coldsnap, Aether Surge, High Alert, and Dark Matter island events will appear less frequently during Frostfall.
Quality of Life

All Benson-themed repeaters now make beautiful ram noises when fired.
Music and UI are more clearly heard when playing with 3D Audio enabled.

Repeater reticle now has two states. One shows damage fall off when aiming at a target. The other shows Empowered Reload availability if near any Behemoth, not just the one being aimed at.

When a player has more than +6 in a perk a new UI element will appear to inform them that the perk effect is capped at +6. No more +9 Aetherhunter!
Item tooltip descriptions now provide additional information of where you can obtain them.
Changed text format across UI elements for clarity.
The “Hold to Skip” option on cinematics only shows when a button is pressed.
Weapon and Escalation level texts changed to “Required Weapon Level” and “Required Escalation Level”.

Weekly quests now unlock in a linear order to reduce quest markers in Ramsgate.
Weekly quest names have been changed to represent their order in the questline.
Bug Fixes

Behemoths no longer freeze up during combat when near walls.
The Godhand beam, war pike missiles, Molten Edict projectiles, hammer blasts, repeaters projectiles, and aether strikers surges now properly trigger the Berserker perk.
Terra Behemoth debuff effect will only generate healing orbs when the Behemoth affected by the debuff is hit.
Fixed a bug where hits could sometimes count twice towards the Kharabak unique effect.

Chain Blades
Fixed issues with the Serrated Blades mod activating too frequently and applying a bonus to all wound damage.
Bladespin can no longer be auto-triggered again when holding the heavy attack input between combos.

The Chronovore
The Chronovore’s vortex no longer affects players outside the combat arena.
Improved collision boundaries so players can no longer pass through the Behemoth.

Koshai tails now properly disappear after being severed.

Rezakiri’s tail now counts for all tail-based challenges.

No longer gets stuck when trying to run.
No longer appears in Terra Escalation.
No longer counts as a neutral behemoth for bounties.

The Hunting Grounds
Frost Escalations and Paradox Breaks no longer have flashing VFX bugs and have been reenabled in the hunt menu.
The guaranteed Behemoth will keep spawning on the island even after they’ve fled.

Updated various rumour objectives to require Combat Merits instead of Exploration Merits.
Killing Shrowd clones no longer counts toward Behemoth kill objectives.

The ponytail hairstyle no longer flickers.
Lantern’s overcharge VFX no longer overrides transmog VFX in Ramsgate.
Lantern trail VFXs no longer stack when switching lanterns.

Added Sahvyt’s missing Journal entry.
Acidic and Tactician perk descriptions now properly states bonus wound damage is based on core damage (was part damage).
Sahvyt repeaters no longer appear craftable before the player has their parts.
Fixed a bug where players could queue for public Heroic Escalations that they did not meet the requirements for.
Boreal Outpost and Cold Runner Key repeatable quests no longer appear in the hunt menu.
Linnea Silver’s journal entry now unlocks after meeting her on Boreal Outpost.
Removed incorrect text “Weapon Currently Equipped” from crafting screens.
Malkarion’s Flash now properly gets checked off in the move list when used on the Training Grounds.
UI elements are now correctly aligned in the Escalation round summary screen.
Fixed a bug that was preventing players from applying their changes when using the “Dye all armour” menu.
The quest UI no longer changes size when the quest’s buttons are highlighted with a gamepad.
The camera now correctly returns to the player when closing an NPC interaction.
Escalation level requirement icons are now set to the appropriate Escalation type icon when selecting the Heroic Escalation.
Stamina tutorial slate middle panel text is now centered on ultra wide resolutions.
Buff and debuff icons with values higher than 100 are now always visible.
The Slayer Link rewards panel is now scrollable.
Quest descriptions are now scrollable.
Moves and combo titles in the move list screen now wrap to multiple lines instead of overflowing.
The equip button only shows if the item is unlocked and isn’t equipped.
Fixed incorrect icon for Frostwarden Telescope lore item.

Fixed a crash that could occur on the login screen.